Publications (Canadian)


The Progressive Dinner Party by Marjorie C. Luesebrink and Carolyn Guertin



The Fence

“Calling bisexuals ‘fencesitters’ has been a way of marginalizing us, of placing us outside gay/lesbian and straight cultures by saying that we haven’t made a decision about our sexuality. ‘The Fence’ is all about bisexual women reclaiming this position and speaking from our unique viewpoints that traverse straight and gay/lesbian cultures, but also allow us to have spaces of our own. ‘The Fence’ can be a positive and powerful place, and this zine is for the women who have decided to stay there!”




“The quarterly Canadian feminist magazine that delivers the inside scoop on the Canadian women’s movement: health, activism, the environment and legal cases affecting women. Herizons serves up feminist satire and plenty of news at a glance.

As Canada’s largest feminist magazine, HERIZONS is a unique hybrid of non-profit business, feminist publishing and advocacy journalism. It is published in Winnipeg. Its contributors and subject matter span the country and the world.

Officially, our statement of purpose is: to publish an inspiring feminist magazine that fosters a state of wellness that enriches women’s lives; expands the boundaries of feminism; builds awareness of current issues as they affect women, and broadens the influence of feminist principles. HERIZONS aims to reflect a philosophy that is diverse, and one that is relevant to women’s daily lives.” (from


Shameless Magazine

(text copied from Canadian Heritage and Shameless subscription flyers.)

Shameless is Canada’s one only independent voice for smart, strong, sassy young women. Packed with ar ticles about arts, culture and current events, Shameless reaches out to readers who are often ignored by mainstream media: queer youth, women of colour, feminists, artists, and activists. Shameless has won multiple awards, includting the Utne Independent Press Award for “Personal Life Coverage” (2005), Utne nominations for “Best Design” and “Best New Magazine” (2004) and several NOW best of Toronto Cricis’ Picks, including “Best Magazine” (2005), “Best New Magazine” (2004) and even “Magazine making the most noise before its first issue” (2003).


TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism

(text copied from web site) 

TRIVIA, deriving from “tri-via” (crossroads), was one of the names of the Triple Goddess. Recognizing that what is of primary importance in women’s lives tends to be relegated to the margins of patriarchal history and thought, dismissed as “trivial,” we conceive TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism as a place at the crossroads where women’s ideas can assume their original power and significance.

Trivia: A Journal of Ideas was born in 1982 out of a group of women thinkers and writers in western Massachusetts who met every other week to discuss literature and philosophy in a feminist context. It went on to become an international, award-winning publication that endured for over a decade.

Over twenty years of feminist activism have passed since the founding of Trivia in its original version; despite our gains, the war on women, in all its overt and subliminal forms, has continued and even accelerated. So has the war on the non-human world, and on the earth itself. We believe that “a place where women’s ideas can assume their original power and significance” is more needed now than ever.

We founded the new Trivia: Voices of Feminism as a public forum for the creative and critical thinking of that great diversity of women who insist on our primacy, and who in league with and in the name of all the other endangered species on this planet, refuse to accept the life-destroying status quo. May we find the forms we need to meet the urgencies of this time. And may we encourage each other.

— Lise Weil, editor
— Susan Kullmann, web publisher


The editors of Trivia: A Journal of Ideas (1982-95) include Lise Weil (issues 1-11 and 13-18), Anne Dellenbaugh (issues 1-5), Linda Nelson (issues 10-18), and Erin Rice and Kaye Parkhurst (issues 19-22).

Trivia‘s rebirth on the web was initiated by MeLissa Gabriels, who also designed the original website for Trivia: Voices of Feminism. The editorial collective for issue 1 was MeLissa Gabriels, Elizabeth Waller, Layla Holguin-Messner, Elissa Jones, and Lise Weil. The collective responsible for issue 2 included Lise Weil, Harriet Ellenberger, Elizabeth Waller, and J. Emily Bandru.


Room: A Space of Your Own (

Room is Canada’s oldest literary journal by, for, and about women. Published quarterly by a group of volunteers based in Vancouver, Room showcases fiction, poetry, reviews, art work, interviews and profiles about the female experience. Many of our contributors are at the beginning of their writing careers, looking for an opportunity to get published for the first time. Some later go on to great acclaim.

Room is a space where women can speak, connect, and showcase their creativity. Each quarter we publish original, thought-provoking works that reflect women’s strength, sensuality, vulnerability, and wit.

Roomies: The Volunteer Collective

The Growing Room Collective is a group of volunteers who handle all the editorial, production, and administration of the quarterly magazine.

In addition to jobs, families, and other volunteer activities, the collective members read hundreds of manuscripts a year; edit, proofread, and desktop each issue; process and mail subscriptions; and handle all the business, bookkeeping, and marketing aspects involved in the production of a magazine.



Women & Environments International Magazine (


Women & Environments International (WEI) is a unique Canadian magazine, which examines women’s multiple relations to their environments — “natural, built and social“ — from feminist and anti-racist perspectives. It has provided a forum for academic research and theory, professional practice and community experience since 1976. Produced by a volunteer Editorial Board, the magazine contributes to feminist social change.


Since its founding at the first UN Habitat Conference in 1976, Women & Environments International (WEI) has become a well-established Canadian magazine with a multinational readership and worldwide subscribers. Originally a newsletter, WEI has become one of the longest surviving feminist magazines in Canada. Our writers, readers, and editors are people who inspire and create environments more responsive to women’s needs through action, education, research, and awareness. Women & Environments International Magazine is a volunteer published magazine; its Editorial Board functions as a feminist collective.

The magazine has been housed by both York University and the University of Toronto; it is currently located in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, which provides us with vital institutional and community support. WEI Magazine is published twice a year and welcomes all forms of participation, donations, sponsorship, and advertising.

For more information, please e-mail WEI at



Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal / Revue d’etudes sur les femmes Atlantis is published twice a year by the Institute for the Study of Women, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The views expressed in the articles do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, the editors or the funding groups.

Acknowledgement is due for the financial assistance of The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Mount Saint Vincent University.


With 2005 marking its 30th year of continuous publication, Atlantis is a remarkable Canadian presence in the world of academic dissemination of knowledge. Atlantis is committed to conduct double blind peer review (see Mission Statement) because it ensures the quality of scholarly material within its pages, an imprimatur which is recognized and depended upon by contributors and users alike. . . . By publishing electronically, we hope to grow our international presence and meet the needs of both the research producers and consumers.

Atlantis was established in 1975 by a group of women scholars at Acadia University, with Drs. Donna Smyth and Margaret Conrad being the faculty members primarily responsible for the initiation of the Journal. In 1975, universities were beginning to introduce Women’s Studies courses, but reading materials for students and journals that would publish the emerging scholarship were difficult to find. Recognizing this situation, Drs. Smyth and Conrad resolved to establish a new journal. In the first few years, Atlantis was produced by faculty at Acadia, but in 1980, the Journal moved to Mount Saint Vincent University and became a publication of the Institute for the Study of Women, the current publisher. Twenty-five years of continuous institutional support of the Journal indicates the significant role the Journal plays in the University’s long-standing commitment to the higher education of women. The Journal continues to be a prime resource in the interdisciplinary field of Women’s Studies and, still rooted firmly in Atlantic Canada, is quickly expanding its scope beyond geographical boundaries to reviewers, contributors, subscribers and publication partners around the world.


The Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering is an integral part of community building for researchers, academics and activists, and mothers interested in the topic of motherhood. The mandate of the Journal is to publish the most current, high quality scholarship on mothering-motherhood and to ensure that this scholarship considers motherhood in an international context and from a multitude of perspectives including differences of class, race, sexuality, age, ethnicity, ability and nationality.

Each issue of the Journal highlights a particular motherhood theme or topic and showcases the newest and best in maternal scholarship and features numerous book reviews. Furthermore, through poetry, photography, and artwork, the Journal gives voice to women’s lived experiences of mothering in all their complexity and diversity.

The Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering is a scholarly, double-blind/peer reviewed publication. We are grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for its ongoing support of the journal.

Our Journal Advisory Board, made up of eminent scholars in the area of mothering include: Mary Kay Blakely, Patrice DiQuinzio, Rishma Dunlop, Miriam Edelson, Fiona J. Green, D. Memee Lavell-Harvard, Brenda F. McGadney-Douglass, Andrea O’Reilly, Ruth Panofsky, Joanna Radbord, Sara Ruddick, Lori Saint-Martin, Judith Stadtman Tucker and Gina Wong-Wylie.

We are grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) for its ongoing support of the journal.

Association for Research on Mothering
726 Atkinson, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736-2100 x60366 FAX: (416) 736-5766

Demeter Press

We are the first book publisher focused specifically on the topic of motherhood/mothering. Demeter Press is currently accepting scholarly manuscripts for publication consideration for 2012/2013.

For more information, or to submit a manuscript, please contact:

Demeter Press c/o
The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)
726 Atkinson, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736-2100 x60366 FAX: (416) 736-5766



Antigone Magazine (

 A blog about women, politics, women in politics and the politics of being a woman.

What is Antigone Magazine? We’re a grassroots national magazine that works to encourage young women to get involved in politics in Canada. We work to empower young women to engage politically and civically and to actively take part in leadership roles.We are raising the money in order to help launch the Antigone Foundation, a national foundation that will encourage young women aged 10-30 to get politically and civically engaged. Help support Antigone as we help to make the dreams of young women come true!


Resources for Feminist Research (

Resources for Feminist Research / Documentation sur la recherche féministe is a bilingual (English/French) Canadian scholarly journal published since 1972 in the Centre for Women’s Studies in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education / University of Toronto. RFR/DRF addresses Canadian and international feminist research issues and debates.

The journal’s objectives are to publish critical work addressing a broad range of issues relevant to feminist theory and activism, provide an educational resource and a forum for the communication of ideas, news, and other information of interest to the community of feminist scholars, and to encourage research on gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality and class, and how they inform and affect the conditions of women’s lives.

RFR/DRF currently publishes two double issues a year (Spring/Summer, Fall/Winter) devoted to interdisciplinary collections of new feminist research, and on special themes in Women’s Studies. Included in each issue are major research papers, reports of works in progress, bibliographies, book reviews, and abstracts of Canadian feminist journals.

(copied from RFT web site)




(copied from thirdspace web site:


thirdspace is a peer-reviewed journal, offering work in English and French, that aims to presents the best in scholarship on feminist theory and culture. We envision a broad definition of studies in “feminist theory and culture” which can include, but are not limited to, development and applications of feminist theory; cultures of feminism and feminist movement (including academia); and feminist cultural studies.



WIFFBC Festival Blog

Women In Film & Television Vancouver is proud to present The 4th Annual WIFTV Women In Film Festival. The annual festival coincides with International Women’s Day (March 8th) and is presented in association with the International organization, WIFTI, who provide an International short film showcase for screening. The achievements of BC filmmakers will also be celebrated at the Spotlight Awards Gala.


Society for Disability Arts and Culture

Based in Vancouver, Canada, the Society for Disability Arts and Culture (S4DAC) presents and produces works by artists with disabilities and promotes artistic excellence among artists with disabilities working in a variety of disciplines.


Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art

Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art encourages and supports the intellectual and creative development of women in the visual arts by providing an ongoing forum for education and critical dialogue.




The Prairie Lily Feminist Society (aka the Prairie Lilies or Red Lilies) is a newly-formed society of Saskatchewan feminists. Membership is open to all women who agree with our intentions. We want as many women as possible to become involved. We intend to:

* develop a space for women to address the issues and various conditions that impact our lives;

* empower the diverse community of Saskatchewan women to have our voices heard;

* provide education about and opportunity for actions which promote gender equity;

* create opportunities for us to build our skills and develop mentoring relationships; and

* build a network of support, solidarity and sisterhood for women across Saskatchewan.





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