Further Reading (Canadian)

Ballstadt, C., Hopkins, E., & Peterman, M. A. (1993). Letters of love and duty: The correspondence of Susanna and John Moodie. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Barndt, Deborah (2001). Naming, making and connecting: Reclaiming the lost arts: The pedagogical possibilities. In P. Campbell & B. Burnaby (Eds.), Participatory practices in adult education (pp. 31-54). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Barndt, Deborah (1998). The world in a tomato: Revisiting the use of “codes” in Freire’s problem-posing education. Convergence, 31(1-2), 62-73.

Barndt, Deborah (2006). Wild fire: Art as activism. Toronto: Sumach Press.

Bishop, Anne (2003). Becoming an ally: Breaking the cycle of oppression (2nd ed.). Sydney, AU: Allen & Unwin.

Bono, P. (1997). Women’s biographies and autobiographies: A political project in the making. Resources for Feminist Research, 25(3/4), 38-51.

Bradbury, Elspeth, & Maddocks, Judy (1995). The garden letters. Vancouver: Polestar.

Buss, Helen M. (1993). Mapping our selves: Canadian women’s autobiography. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Buss, Helen M. (2002). Repossessing the world: Reading memoirs by contemporary women. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Butterwick, Shauna, & Dawson, Jane (2006). Adult education and the arts. In Tara Fenwick, Tom Nesbit, & Bruce Spencer (Eds.), Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives (pp. 281-291). Toronto: Thompson.

Chambers, Cynthia (1998). On taking my own (love) medicine: Memory work in writing and pedagogy. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 14(4), 14-20.

Church, Kathryn (2006). Working like crazy on Working Like Crazy: Imag(in)ing CED practice through documentary film. In Eric Shragge & Michael Toye (Eds.), Community economic development: Building for social change (pp. 169-182). Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press.

Clarkson, Stephen (Ed.). (2008). My life as a dame: The person and the political in the writings of Christina McCall (Eleanor Wachtel, Foreword). Toronto: Anansi.

Clover, Darlene E., & Stalker, Joyce (2007). The arts and social justice: Re-crafting adult education and community cultural leadership. Leicester, UK: NIACE.

Cook, Sharon A. (1992). Letitia Youmans: Ontario’s nineteenth century temperance educator. Ontario History, 84(4), 329-342.

Duley. M. I. (1993). Where once our mothers stood WE STAND: Women’s suffrage in Newfoundland 1890-1925. Charlottetown, PEI: Gynergy Books.Non-Fiction

Ellis, Becky. (2008). “Won’t Get Schooled Again: Feminist home-schoolers are creating new ways of living and learning.” Briarpatch Magazine (March/April 2008). at http://briarpatchmagazine.com/2008/03/01/wont-get-schooled-again/

Finn, P. (2001). When editing goes write: The correspondence of Erin Mouré and Bronwen Wallace. Textual Studies in Canada, 13/14, 101-112.

Flood, Sandra (2001). Canadian Craft and Museum Practice, 1900-1950. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Forsythe, Angela M., & Lander, Dorothy A. (2003). A reflexive inquiry of two non-smokers: A trans-generational tale of social gospel and social norms marketing. Reflective Practice, 4(2), 139-161.

Gray, Charlotte (2008). Nellie McClung (John Ralston Saul, Series Editor, Extradordinary Canadians). Toronto: Penguin Canada.

Gray, Charlotte (2000). Sisters in the wilderness: The lives of Susanna Moodie and Catherine Parr Traill. Toronto: Penguin.

Green, Barbara (1997). Spectacular confessions: Autobiography, performative activism, and the sites of suffrage 1905-1938. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Greene, Maxine (1995). Releasing the imagination: Essays on education, the arts, and social change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Greenwood, Barbara (2007). Factory girl. Toronto: Kids Can Press.

Halifax, Nancy Davis, with Brown, Barbara, Compton, Vanessa, & O’Connor, Mary Ann (2004). Imagination, walking — In/Forming theory. In Ardra L. Cole, Lorri Neilsen, J. Gary Knowles, & Teresa (Tracy) C. Luciani (Eds.), Provoked by art: Theorizing arts-informed research (pp. 175-187). Halifax, Backalong Books.

Harris, Carol E. (2003). A sense of themselves: Elizabeth Murray’s leadership in school and community. Halifax, NS: Fernwood.

Hein, Jessica, Holland, Heather, & Kauppi, Carol (Eds.). (2007). girlSpoken from pen, brush & tongue. Toronto: Second Story Press.

Irwin, Rita L., & de Cosson, A. (Eds.). (2004). A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts-based living inquiry. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Irwin, Rita L., Beer, R., Springgay, Stephanie, Grauer, K., XIong, G., & Bickel, B. (2006). The rhizomatic relations of a/r/tography. Studies in Art Education, 48(1), 70-88.

Irwin, Rita. L. Crawford, N., Mastri, R., Robertson, A. N., & Stephenson, W. (1997). Collaborative action research: A journey of six women artist-pedagogues. Collaborative Inquiry in a Postmodern Era: A Cat’Cradle, 2(2), 21-40.

Irwin, Rita. L., Mastri, R. L., & Robertson, H. (2000). Pausing to reflect: Moments in feminist collaborative action research. Journal of Gender Issues in Art Education, 1, 43-56.

James, J. (1995). Ada Powers’ diaries: Politics, sisterhood, and the WCTU. Atlantis, 20(1), 63-76.

Jordan, Nane (2009, March, Spring Equinox). What is Goddess? Towards an ontology of women giving birth. Trivia, 9.  Available at: http://www.triviavoices.net/current/jordan.html

Kadar, Marlene, Worley, L., Perreault, J., & Egan, S. (Eds.). (2005). Tracing the autobiographical. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Kaplan, C. (Ed.). (2002). Zora Neale Hurston: A life in letters. New York: Doubleday.

Kerans, Marion D. (1996). Muriel Duckworth: A very active pacifist, a biography. Halifax, NS: Fernwood.

Lander, Dorothy A. (2005). The ribbon workers as popular educators: [Re]-presenting the colours of the Crusades. Studies in the Education of Adults, 37(1), 47-62.

Lander, Dorothy A. (2005). The 49th and other parallels in the temperance auto/biographies of Letitia Youmans (1893 Canada) and Frances Willard (1889 US). Vitae Scholasticae, 22(1), 23-41.

Lander, Dorothy A. (2004). Re-membering mothers as lifelong educators: The art work of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 18(1), 1-32.

Lander, Dorothy A. (2003). Art as temperance activism. In J. S. Blocker, I. R. Tyrell, & D. M. Fahey (Eds.), Alcohol and temperance in modern history: An international encyclopedia (pp. 64-72). New York: ABC-CLIO.

Laurence, Margaret (1989). Dance on the earth: A memoir. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.

Leroux, O., Jackson, M. & Freedman, M. (1996). Inuit women artists: Voices from Cape Dorset. Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Meadowcroft, Barbara (1999). Painting friends: The Beaver Hall Women Painters. Quebec:
Véhicule Press

Mitchell, Claudia, Weber, Sandra and O’Reilly-Scanlon, Kathleen (Eds.) (2005). Just who do we think we are? : methodologies for autobiography and self-study in teaching. New York : RoutledgeFalmer, 2005.

Mitchell, Margaret (2008). No laughing matter: Adventure, activism and politics. Vancouver, BC: Granville Island Publishing.

Morra, J. (2007). Daughter’s tongue: The intimate distance of translation. Journal of Visual Culture, 6(1), 91-108.

Moure, Erin, & Wallace, Bronwen (1993). Two women talking: correspondence 1985-87 (Susan McMaster, Ed.). Toronto: Living Archives of the Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets.

National Film Board. (1999). Working like crazy (documentary film). Ottawa: NFB.

O’Reilly, Andrea (Ed.). (2003). Mothering, popular culture and the arts. Special issue of Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 5(1).

Parkins, Ilya (2008). Building a feminist theory of fashion: Karen Barad’s agential realism. Australian Feminist Studies, 23(58), 501-515.

Pentney, Beth Ann (2008). Feminism, activism, and knitting: Are the fibre arts a viable mode for feminist political action? third space, 8(1)m 19 pages. Available from: http://www.thirdspace.ca/journal/article/viewArticle/pentney/210

Razack, Sherene (1993). Story-telling for social change. Gender and Education, 5(1), 55-70.

Roslewicz, E. A. (1999). Educating adults through distinctive public speaking: Lucretia Mott, Quaker minister. Unpublished doctoral Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Adult Learning and Human Resource Development. Retrieved December 12, 2003 from Digital Library and Archives Web site: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-042199-022852

Sacca, E., & Zimmerman, E. (Eds.), Women art educators IV: Herstories, our stories, future stories. Boucherville, PQ: CSEA.

Savage, Candace (1979). Our Nell: A scrapbook biography of Nellie L. McClung. Saskatoon, SK: Western Producer Prairie Books.

Springgay, Stephanie, & Irwin, Rita L. (2004). Women making art: aesthetic inquiry as political performance. In Ardra L. Cole, Lorri Neilsen, J. Gary Knowles, & Teresa (Tracy) C. Luciani (Eds.), Provoked by art: Theorizing arts-informed research (pp. 71-83). Halifax, Backalong Books.

Strong-Wilson, Teresa (2008). Bringing memory forward: Storied remembrance in social justice education with teachers. New York: Peter Lang.

Wark, Jayne (2006). Radical gestures. Feminism and performance art in North America. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Warne. Randi R. (1993). Literature as pulpit: The Christian social activism of Nellie L. McClung. Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Weber, Sandra & Mitchell, Claudia (Eds.) 2004. Not just any dress: narratives of memory, body, and identity. New York : Peter Lang.

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